Natural Asbestos

Gi-RES is partner of a working group in studying and consulting on the occurrence of natural asbestos: the institutional leader of the group is the Interdepartmental Centre for Studies on Asbestos and Other Toxic Particulates “G. Scansetti”* of Turin University while other partners are the Earth Science Department of Turin and the CNR-IGG.

Main activities of the working group are:

  • characterization of the petro-structural facies potentially bearing asbestos
  • hazard and risk quantification of the natural occurring asbestos
  • impact assessment of asbestos presence on the realization of infrastructural works
  • safety procedures, monitoring plans, environmental protection
  • mineralogical and petrographic analyses : optical microscopy, XRD
  • quantitative analysis in laboratory: SEM-EDS*, MicroRaman*

Gi-RES S.r.l.
Società di Spin-off del CNR
Via Vittorio Amedeo II, 6 - 10121 Torino (TO) - P.IVA/C.F. 10611850016 - Email: